Welcome to my digital playground - the space where I explore, test, repeat and store my interests.
As a result of stubborness I decided to go virtual with my live set experiments.
Check the dates and a get a ticket.
YES! It's in virtual reality!
Take a breath! Dive in!
No place? No space? No time?
No exhibition!
A few of my sculptures and installations
can now be explored virtually.
Looking for a souvenir or a gift?
Create one yourself with the sound-to-art materializer
and order your unique CNC-laser art piece.
Listen, party or doze off to the raw recordings of FRGMNTL sound experiments.
All the digital and virtual wobbly gobbly will not eliminate my desire for crafting.
Look around and order what you like!
Time to give something back.
My way. My go. My Mantra:
Learning by Failing
results not only in knowledge
but more importantly in experience.
This database of failures,
troubleshoots and solutions
helps me go further. Maybe it will help you too!
Want to Collaborate?
Have a Question?
A Recipe?
Or two Ideas?
Thomas Kühn
Korsörer Straße 9
10437 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (0) 177 213 14 98
E-Mail: info@thomaskuehn.net
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